welcome Ladies today with Soup of Latin America (Brazil), useful and rich
in this article you can earn how to prepare the recipe Black bean soup from the American cuisine , by steps and exactly ingredients , be creative in the preparing of this recipe and give me your opinions down in comments .
now for prepare this recipe ( recipe Black bean soup) you should follow this :
_half kilo of black bean ;( you should make the bean in water a night before )
_1 onion ; chopped
_1 green pepper ; cut cubes
_2 carrot ; cut to cubes
_3 Celery ; cut to cubes
_8 tablespoons olive oil
_6 Clove garlic; chopped
_half to one tablespoon Cumin
_4 tablespoons White vinegar
1°Placed Beans and water in a saucepan, On fire and left to boil and mature
2° in another saucepan put oil and add onions,green pepper,carrot,Celery,Garlic, and turned Well that wilt vegetables well.
3°Add the cumin and vinegar to vegetables , And continue stirring For approximately 3 minutes , Then add a cup of boiling water beans .
4° Leave the vegetables to boil over low heat for 20 minutes ,Then add the beans to vegetables , Mix together and leave to Boil for half an hour.
5° Add salt to the soup and then progress .
this our recipe black bean soup give me your comment bellow and dont forget like and share for your friends ladies see you next time .
in this article you can earn how to prepare the recipe Black bean soup from the American cuisine , by steps and exactly ingredients , be creative in the preparing of this recipe and give me your opinions down in comments .
_half kilo of black bean ;( you should make the bean in water a night before )
_1 onion ; chopped
_1 green pepper ; cut cubes
_2 carrot ; cut to cubes
_3 Celery ; cut to cubes
_8 tablespoons olive oil
_6 Clove garlic; chopped
_half to one tablespoon Cumin
_4 tablespoons White vinegar
1°Placed Beans and water in a saucepan, On fire and left to boil and mature
2° in another saucepan put oil and add onions,green pepper,carrot,Celery,Garlic, and turned Well that wilt vegetables well.
3°Add the cumin and vinegar to vegetables , And continue stirring For approximately 3 minutes , Then add a cup of boiling water beans .
4° Leave the vegetables to boil over low heat for 20 minutes ,Then add the beans to vegetables , Mix together and leave to Boil for half an hour.
5° Add salt to the soup and then progress .
this our recipe black bean soup give me your comment bellow and dont forget like and share for your friends ladies see you next time .