Onion soup recipe

Welcome  ladies in my blog , today with  new recipe is :

Onion soup recipe :


cooking time:  10 MIN
Preparing time : 30 min

INGREDIENTS for Onion soup recipe: 

_1White onion, large
_1 red onion , large 
_package green onion 
_3 tablespoons Butter 
_1 potato diced and boiled
_Water, as needed

_Black pepper, according to the desire
_1 small spoon curcuma 
_Pinch of salt

Directions for onion soup recipe :

for prepare this onion soup recipe you need follow this Directions :
Chop the onion into cubes
In a saucepan melt the butter on fire , and add the cubes of onion And make them fry until they become red 
3°  Add the potato , salt, curcuma and water  , and leave the mixtures on the fire half  an hour ; and make in
Electric mixer and mix well the onion soup Get ready.
 this is our onion soup recipe for today and see you next time dont forget share, and like this for help for walking forward 

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