Squashes by rissole

Squashes by rissole

Hi ladies today with new meal is the  Squash by rissole ;and we will give you in this article the ingredients and explain the method to prepare the recipe .

Information's :  

Cooking time : 60 min
meals : 8 persons

Ingredients : 

6  squash's 
half  kilo rissole 
1/4 cup tomato paste 
2 cups Broth 
2 tablespoons lemon juice 
1/2 teaspoon black pepper  
1 teaspoon salt 
1 teaspoon Condiment
2 tablespoons olive oil 

Directions :  

1 Preheat the oven to 180 degree , Bring a oven dish (middle-sized)
2 wash the squash and discard the top and bottom part of it 
3 cut the squashes crosswise to cuts size 4 cm 
4 by using teaspoon empty the squashes a little ; and save the marrow of it 
5 put the marrow on the oven dish  in the form of a layer , then put the squashes on the oven dish so the empty part should be in the top 
6  make the rissole as balls proportionate with  the size of the hollow part of squashes cuts  
7 put the rissole on squashes cut 
8 in a deep dish put broth , lemon juice , black pepper , salt , condiment and olive oil , mix it and distribute in the  oven dish  
9 enter the oven dish to oven for an hour To mature rissole 

this is all 
don't forget like this recipe and share it on your Facebook with your friends 
and this some recipes other recipes you can prepare it : 


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