glass nickel pizza

glass nickel pizza

                Hi Ladies and welcome in our website The restaurant boss ; our recipe today is how
 to prepare  glass nickel pizza , in this  article we will present the ingredients and directions
 and the best time to prepare , now lets go to prepare our glass nickel pizza .

information's : glass nickel pizza :

Preparing time : 20 minutes 
cooking time : 20 minutes
number of meals : 6 meals 

Ingredients : glass nickel pizza :

  1. yeast
  2. spoon sugar 
  3. half  cup warm water 
  4. 3 cups flour 
  5. table spoon of olive oil 
  6. Tomato paste
  7. mozzarella cheese 
  8. sauce according to the desire   

Directions  : glass nickel pizza :

  1. dissolution the yeast and sugar  in 1 cup and half of warm water 
  2. mix flour with salt and olive oil in a large pot 
  3. add he solution of yeast and sugar to flour of our  glass nickel pizza 
  4. knead the dough well until become sticky and coherent , with spray the flour whenever
  5. necessary
  6. cover the dough ; and leave it about 30 min 
  7. after 30 min , lets spread dough until become circular and slim 
  8. put the dough in tray  greased by oil ,then grease the dough by tomato paste 
  9. then put mozzarella cheese above tomato paste on all dough equally 
  10. put the dough of our glass nickel pizza in oven on 425 degrees Fahrenheit For a period ranging 
  11. between 10 to 15 minutes 
this is our glass nickel pizza if you like it  share it with your friend 
and if your understand something ask me in comments 

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