Dragon fruit salad

        Delicious recipe from US cuisine for this summer its Dragon fruit salad ,you can make this recipe  by yourself  don't forget share with your self now lets prepare Dragon fruit salad recipe.
Dragon fruit salad recipe.

 Ingredients : Dragon fruit salad recipe

  1. 1 largedragon fruit
  2. 1/2 headiceberg lettuce
  3. 1/2 cupfresh semi sweet cherries
  4. 1 cupgrape tomatoes
  5. 2 smalloranges
  6. 1 largecucumber
  7. 1/2 cupblack ripened olives
  8. 1/4 cupraspberry walnut dressing I used Kens Steakhouse brand
  9. 1/2 cuppineapple chopped I used a fresh one
  10. DIRECTIONS: Dragon fruit salad recipe

-Take some leaves off the lettuce, set aside,. Shred the rest of the lettuce
-Slice the tomatoes in half. Peel and section the oranges.
-Peel and remove seeds of cucumber. Peel the dragon fruit, and dice. Remove the stems and pits of cherries. Leave the olives whole.
-Except the large lettuce leaves mix all the other ingredients. Put on the leaves. Dress with dressing. 
Serve hope you enjoy!

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