United state apple salad recipe

Hi and welcome in restaurantboss , the summer is on beginning and everybody need salads  , and for this we are here to give you today a free recipe of apple salad , you can make it with your self easily if you follow our instructions .

Ingredients apple salad 

for prepare this free recipe of apple salad we need :
half cup of sour cream
quarters cup of sugar ( granulated) 
half tablespoon of lemon juice 
1 diced granny smith apple 
1 diced fuji apple 
half cup mayonnaise  
half cup blueberries 
1/3 cup chopped pecans 

Directions apple salad 

combine sour cream , mayonnaise ,lemon juice and sugar and mix all until the sugar has dissolved
Mix with other ingredients 
cover all and put in refrigerator at least 4 hours before serving 
This our free recipe of apple salad presented by restaurant boss dont forget share  if you like it  

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