Pasta with tomatoes
Hi Ladies welcome in our website the RESTAURANTBOSSToday we will prepare the pasta with tomatoes , its easy and delicious , before the we hade been making some recipes like this and i put for you this link for read and share with your friends click here
and now we will go to the Ingredients and directions to prepare this pasta with tomatoes
400 g Pasta3 tomatoes
Garlic mashed - 3 cloves
Corn oil - 3 tbsp
Romy Cheese - Piece
Salt - according to desire
Pepper - according to desire
-Let's fill half boil (medium size) by water and put on medium heat
-add to it pasta and leave until mature on low heat
-raise the boil Of the fire and take out the pasta from water , and wash it by cold water
-heat 1,5 tbsp of oil in a pan on medium fire and let's fry on it the garlic for some time
-crush the tomatoes in Electric mixer and pour it in boil , add to it the salt and pepper and put in low heat to 15 min , and after add the pasta
- put the The remaining oil in a pan with cheese and leave it on low heat until Dissolves
and here we end our Pasta with tomatoes recipe and don't forget clic like and the right and share the link of this article with your friends , see you next time