Fruit Salad by Honey

Hi Ladies and welcome in our website the restaurant boss 

       this is summer and everybody wants  cool things to lower the temperature of his bodies , and for this we here to give you our new Fruit Salad by Honey  recipe , its vegetarian recipe , and its easy in prepare , and now lets go to the recipe .

Ingredients  Fruit Salad by Honey 

to prepare our vegetarian salad recipe you should have this ;

-2 bananas 
- 1 kiwi 
-1 orange
- 2 apples 
-2 tablespoons honey 
- 1 teaspoon sugar 

Directions Fruit Salad by Honey

cut the apples to  small to Crescents cuts , then cu oranges , kiwi and bananas   to small cubes  
,and add sugar ,then add honey 
put it in Refrigerator for  half hour then serve cold .

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