Strawberry cake wit a lemon glaze


Hi welcome in the restaurant boss website , today with new recipe , and this recipe is a dessert and his name is Strawberry cake with a lemon glaze , you can prepare it with your self by using our clear ingredients and  directions , now lets prepare our Strawberry cake with a lemon glaze , enjoy ;) .

  Ingredients : Strawberry cake with a lemon glaze : 

Dough ingredients:
-8 eggs 
-1 teaspoon  Vanilla powder
-1 teaspoon  Grated lemon rind
-1 cup of Caster sugar
-2 cup flour 
Stuffing ingredients:
-2,5 cup water 
-1 Sweetened Condensed Milk box
- 4 Eggs 
- 1 teaspoon  Vanilla powder
-½ cup starch
-1 teaspoon  Grated lemon rind
-2 cups of liquid cream
-250 gram of strawberry cut to half's

Directions :Strawberry cake with a lemon glaze : 

Dough directions:
1- paint the cake tray with butter , and splash it by flour , preheat oven on 175 C
2- Mix Eggs and sugar , vanilla ,and lemon on Electric mixer ,for 8 min and 
3- add the flour with stir all well ,
4-  pour the mix of cake on our tray , and put it on oven for 40-45 min , then put it on side
Stuffing directions:
1-mix water and condensed milk  on boil and put it on the heat for boil
2- mix eggs , vanilla powder, starch  , grated lemon rind  , and  mix well the add to our  first boil mixture , then boil with Continuous  stir  until be condensed , then put it in side ( cover it by plastic paper )
3- cut the cake into 3 layers , mix the cold stuffing  with 1 cup o liquid cream , until become finely , then put it on Tubular bag , and distributes the half of quantity put in above the first layer with put some  strawberry , then put the second layer , then put the next half above it and cover it with third layer,
for give the cake more style distribute  the liquid cream on face  of cake and sides with some strawberry .
this is our Strawberry cake wit a lemon glaze recipe . see you next time
dont forget install our application in your android device for more recipes  here recipes boss

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